It's a Girl Thing!
*Planning for Our Trip to Savannah, GA*
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(*TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN READING THIS PAGE: PLEASE NOTE - These totals are only estimates and are subject to change by the time we are ready to go.  As well as the number of persons who will be going with us. Any REGISTERED Girl Scout in Brownie Troop #1487 and the Group and Cadette Troops AT THE TIME WE TAKE THE TRIP and ALL Adults are welcome to join us but must either help us earn the money to go (through Council Approved Fund Raisers) OR pay their own way. (This will include any girl who is currently in the second grade as of April 2002 AND any parent who is interested in going along to Chaperone)  Reservations MUST be made at the Juliette Low House at least 18 months in advance so the earliest we could go at this point is sometime in 2005!

When plans began in 2001, The 4 Adults included in this sample budget were: Jamie P1, Tina, Peggy & Cindy.  Since we are not going until 2005 now several more adults such as Jamie P2 & Chrys will be added.  ALL adults who participate MUST have Leadership Training and be First Aide Certified if possible. There will be a Training before we go for Trip Traveling and at least TWO Adults, if not all Adults going must take it! NOTE: I prefer that ALL the adults planning to go take it if possible!

"12 Girls" is just a guess on how many will actually be attending, that number could very well be more or less by 2005.  PLEASE keep in mind, we are STILL in the very early planning stages of this event and have a long road ahead of us before plans are complete!  Until everyone involved gets serious and pitches in to help with planning and organizing things, this trip will remain merely a dream!

ALL Numbers are merely estimated guesses and have no true bearing on our REAL budget or any plans at this time. (February 15, 2004)


7 Nights, 8 Days for 12 Girls and 4 Adults:

(4 to 5 days in GA and 3 to 4 days travel time)


Motels, Camp Ground Stays ($75.00 X 4 X 7) $2,100.00

Food: meals & snacks ($200.00 per person) $3,200.00

Money for site seeing, admissions ($100.00 per person) $1,600.00

Suveniours~OPTIONAL EXPENCE~Can be eliminated ($100.00 per person) $1,600.00

**GAS for 2 Vans ($400.00 each depending on prices) $800.00

TOTAL = $9,300.00are checking into renting a Tour Bus or getting rental Vans instead of taking our own Vehichels**)COMPLETE UNIFORMS FOR EACH GIRL (to wear to the Juliette Low House during OUR TROOPS OWN CEREMONY):* NOTE - This is NOT a necessary expence ~ ONLY a suggestion by the girls ~ and will be cut if enough money is not raised to pay for the trip & UNIFORMS! PLUS the uniforms/prices may change by then as well!

10 Vests: $17.50 each $175.00

10 sets of id's $5.60 each $56.00

4 Yellow Sr bandanas: $8.00 each $32.00

8 Blue Cadette Bandanas $8.00 each $64.00

4 Sr T-Shirts $17.75 each $71.00

8 Cadette T-Shirts $17.75 each $142.00

12 pr shorts or skirt $24.50 each $294.00

12 Sweatshirts $23.00 each $276.00

TOTAL = $1,110.00

"UNIFORMS" FOR ADULTS (to wear to the Juliette Low House):

* NOTE - This is NOT a necessary expence and will be cut if enough money is not raised to pay for the trip

4 Leader T-Shirt $18.00 each $72.00

4 pr pants $34.00 each $136.00

TOTAL = $208.00

EMERGENCY MONEY (in case of any emergency):

$150.00 per person TOTAL = $2,400

GRAND TOTAL $13,000+

Divided by 16 = about ~ $814.00 per person

IF we are going to pull this trip off we MUST get serious about the Money Making! We have a year and a half left to make A LOT more. Can we do it? We need to start getting things rolling......Car Washes, Bake Sales, Yard sales, Craft Sales, Baby Sitting Clinics....anything you can think of, suggest it and we'll ask permission from the Council and go for it!

IF your Troop or Group has had the wonderful opportunity of Visiting GA and you have any helpful info you'd be willing to share with us on the following issues ~ we're all ears!  We'd LOVE to hear about your trip!TRAVELING OPTIONS:
Send me your ideas:
Check out these GREAT Websites for more info on Savannah, GA & IF you have another great Link you'd like to share with us please email it to our Leaders & we'll add it to our list:
Addresses From Birth Place Bound Information Book
Juliette Low Birthplace:
Juliette Low Birthplace email address:
Puppet Making Workshop
The Mighty Eighth Air Force Heritage Museum
Savannah By Foot Walking Tours
Dolphin Tours
Wilderness SouthEast Tours
City Market ~ History, Art, Dining, Shopping & Entertainment
Square Route Tours
Tootsy Tours
Captain Mike's Dolphin Tours on Tybee Island
This page will change FREQUENTLY as our plans progress PLEASE check back often and watch our progress!